Hi, i was just wondering where i could download powerpoint templates. what kind of extension does the template have. Thanks...
powerpoint template extension is .pot you can make your own template actually. Here are a few sites where you can download them for free: http://www.soniacoleman.com/templates.htm http://www.graphicsland.com/powerpoint-templates.htm http://www.brainybetty.com for 3D graphic templates, go to http://www.brainybetty.com/3D_PowerPoint/3d_PowerPoint_Backgrounds.htm
thanks for the reply. I was just wondering where are the templates located inside my mac? under what folder? i was searching for it with spotlight. And i cant find it thanks!
Hi Zagu, try doing a search in Google for powerpoint templates. I'm sure you'll find a lot of sites that are offering this service. Both paid and free. Just a friendly reminder, please try and use the search engines first (google, yahoo, etc..) before posting it to a new thread. It took me less time to do the Google search for Powerpoint templates than composing this reply. Now, finding which one you like that's a different story. There's a lot of free content there so i'm sure you'll find one to your liking.
applications --> microsoft office --> templates --> presentations --> designs. that's where they are.
except that many of the sites have a windows based exe file. brain betty uses .pot extension which can be sownloaded as a zip file & unzip to .pot for mac use.
@chairman actually i did my typical routine. Checking google/yahoo before posting here. But all i saw on the pages i checked were .exe that is why i asked what extension is being used on powerpoint (mac) hehehe
Other than the built-in ones, there are countless hits if you Google "Powerpoint templates". Is there a specific theme you're going for?