Using the MBA 2018 outdoors

Discussion in 'MacBook Air' started by KingsGlaive, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. KingsGlaive

    KingsGlaive New Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Has anyone recently purchased the 2018 MBA? If so, have you tried using it outdoors?

    I'm thinking of purchasing the 2018 MBA but I'm worried that I'll be squinting when using it outdoors (campus library sockets are usually filled. I do most of my in-campus typing either within College halls or outdoors).

    Has the 2018 MBA's relatively low nits bothered you when using it outdoors or in a well-lit cafe?

    Edit: Social science graduate student here, so intense multimedia editing isn't my bread and butter.
  2. enzo91778

    enzo91778 Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    @KingsGlaive Enzo here I've purchase the MBA 2018 if the objective is to use this for school and work and this is purely flat files (purely txt) then this is ok, hmm you can watch netflix :) etc but for heavy graphics i don't recommend, hmm the Low Nits are you pertaining on the Specs?
  3. cyrianagujo

    cyrianagujo Member

    Oct 5, 2007
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    I have one. It can be a bit difficult if you're going to use most of the time outdoors. It's more than useable for short bursts (probably an hour at a time) but if you plan to use it outdoors every day for at least 2 hours straight, then you'll be better off with the Pro.

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