TIP: take control of iTunes' Visualizer

Discussion in 'OS X and OS X Apps' started by elbert, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. elbert

    elbert Active Member

    Apr 8, 2004
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    I don't know about you, but I still find iTunes' standard visualizer such a trip.

    Did you know that you could take control of the iTunes visualizer? Yup, you read it right, you don't have to just sit there and watch it do its own thing. You can use the keyboard to allow it to do other things

    For example, if you're wondering what's playing, just hit the "i" key for song information. If you hit either the "h' or "?" (no need to hold down the shift for question mark), you'll get a list of basic controls. Hit any of those keys again and you'll see more controls.

    For example:
    F displays frame rate
    T toggles frame rate capping
    O toggles overscan mode
    C shows current config
    D brings back the default settings

    However, not listed are the other visualizer controls.

    Hit the "b" key and you'll get the Apple logo (which usually appears only at the start of the visualizer). It'll stay there until you hit the "h" or "?" keys.

    If you hit the "c" key, you'll see the current configuration, a three line display on the top right corner of the visualizer. The first line is the configuration, the second is the waveform and the third is the color in use. To control these, you can use the left-most keys of your keyboard:

    "q" and "w' for the first line, "a and "s" for the second and "z" and "x" for the third.

    Now the visualizer is even more trippy.

  2. Kenneth

    Kenneth Moderator

    Apr 8, 2004
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    acid trip without the acid ;)
  3. Anne Chan

    Anne Chan Guest

    had the acid trip before, but it isn't working now. i really need help. care to suggest what to do?

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