is it ok to always plug in power to ibook and use as desktop? looks like it is not charging the battery when its full but will it degrade the battery life this way? any info?
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? i dont think its good to keep it plugged read this.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? patay. i always plug in my charger whenever im home and leave it overnight.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? there was a thread here with the same topic but it was recommended that we plug it whenever possible. how come apple is saying otherwise?
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? plug in when youre bat is low(during use) and when fully charged unplug it. and use battery power.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? "For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time. An ideal use would be a commuter who uses her MacBook Pro on the train, then plugs it in at the office to charge. This keeps the battery juices flowing. " this means dont just keep it plugged in like a desktop. get unplugged which is what a 'book is for and note that it recommends you plugging in when you get to an outlet. so this means stop fretting about your battery and get the most out of it not by trying to preserve it but by actually using it. it might help keep your own juices flowing as well. i personally prefer to keep my batt fully charged for when i really need to work unplugged. its the pits to be caught without juice when you really need it. it my next worst peeve next to not having a hotspot where i need one. at least the latter isnt a result of my actions.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? my recommendation has always been to keep it plugged in while at home (and overnight) and use the juice while on the road. i think it's what apple's guidelines intended. and again, this is why i still get about 20 minutes of power on my five-year-old ibook battery--certainly enough for an emergency save before shutdown
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? If it wasnt for this thread, I would've kept on doing this...I guess this tip also applies to PC Laptops with Li-Ion batteries.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? so does this mean i have to un plug it when im using it? i use it in the office unplugged and once its around 10% battery power i plug it in and leave it plugged for the rest of the day even when it gets full na. should i unplug it once its full?
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? From what i understand from the tip, you should use battery power once it is fully charged.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? What i do is once its 100% i unplug it and use it till its 50% or less if i'm at home. if i know i'm taking it out 80% or more i plug it in na so when i leave its close to 100%
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? I do what Butch suggests, keep the portable plugged in when at home then use battery power when on the road. I do this for both my 12" PowerBook and my wife's 12" iBook G4. We take our portables out of the house virtually every day. Our batteries are over 2 years old and I still get about 3 hours out of mine and my wife gets about 4.5 hours. I ruined our first set of batteries by allowing them to drain completely too often before we would recharge them.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? how about if the ibook stays at home most of the time? i remember reading a thread about charge cycles. if you use the juice often, wont your battery conk out earlier than you want it to?
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? there's a thread somewhere here that discusses this in detail. as i remember it, penmanila recommends that you keep it plugged in (even when fully charged already) when you have a socket around. using it should let the juices flow. when doen using it let the batt top off again. youll probably be using it soon after anyway. when you need to use it unplugged go ahead and do so. what i believe apple discourages is the extremes of draining the batt completely and keeping it plugged in incessantly like a desktop. the whole idea is to keep the juices flowing. simply having few charge cycles does not mean a healthy battery. you can have one charge cycle by keeping your book plugged in from the time you take it out of the box but thats exactly what apple warns against. too many is just as bad, i figure.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? I also keep by 'Book plugged as long as there's an electrical outlet available...been using my mac for 2.5 years and my battery can still last more than 3 hours unplugged. I do the full cycle thingy once a month just to calibrate/reset the battery meter.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? This is confusing. Any experts out there? I guess there are too many myths and facts about this topic.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? Stick with the facts, disregard the myths. My take on it is this, apple makes its reommendation but its the users who ultimately know what works through experience, thats why MUGs are supported by the mothership, and that's why we refer to the forums more than we go to apple for advice. In PhilMUG i believe penmanila has the most extensive experience with 'books owning practically every iteration. thats why i go with his advice. i'd like to hear babynino's advice on this. but so far, keeping it plugged in has kept my 'book going for about 4 hours from a full charge with wifi after almost a year.
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? i used to charge my battery when its low, then unplug it once its fully charged -- on or off the road. that worked well for me. then i followed a thread here sometime ago recommending to keep it plugged in as much as possible, even leaving it overnight. BIG MISTAKE. now my less than 2 year old PB batt lasts less than 2 hours. :-(
Re: iBook always plugin power ok? i guess the general rule is that do not leave your portable plugged if it's battery is full and you are not going to use it