hi, i have been using my Ms Word for awhile now but suddenly i cant seem to find the Standard tool bar which is the most important tool bar in MS word. under standard tool bar is the save,open,new,etc. I tried using help but to no use. I've tried clicking view--->Toolbars--->standard(check) it still does not appear. But i tried it on Excel and everything is fine there. Its just word. Can anyone help me. Thanks i really need to fix this quick Or can i just delete microsoft and install it again?
Try going to Tools > Customize > Customize Toolbars/Menus. From there put a check on the Standard Toolbar and click on the Reset button. You can then try going back to View > Toolbars and put a check on the Standard Toolbar.
dave, i did that already same results no standard toolbar... Sabonis, hassle to make/customize e. I just want the normal/basic. Cant i just reinstall my whole officep rogram? would that solve the problem? i tried reinstalling the word but got the same result still no standard toolbar. Does office keep preference files or something like that which i could erase?
I don't know if this will work but you can try trashing the preference for MS word if you suspect that this is giving you the problem. No harm in trying di ba?
Yes.. instead of a re-install, you should first try to delete com.microsoft.Office.prefs.plist Just make sure you have your serial number nearby as Office 'may' require you to enter them again. Also, you could just make another account and use Word and see if the problem is indeed with the main app itself or just the preferences files.
I just used spotlight to find it. In the spotlight window, do a show all and from the new window, click on the small italicized 'i' to show you where exactly the file is. Although, from the spotlight detail window, you can just drag the file in question to the trash.