Signing into locked icloud email

Discussion in 'Apple iCloud' started by aaaj, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. aaaj

    aaaj New Member

    Apr 2, 2015
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    My phone is locked and I have to activate the appleid.

    So i go to and enter my details. It then says that the AppleID is locked and I have to unlock it. I click on the unlock icon/button and leads me to an iForgot site where I enter again my ID. I continue, and I am asked if I want details sent to my icloud email. I choose that and tells me to go to my icloud email to unlock it. I then go to sign in, but of course, they tell me that I cannot log in because I need to unlock my account.

    So its pretty much just going in a circle. Help please?
  2. greta87

    greta87 PhilMUG Addict Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    you have to call the Apple hotline for Philippine users. they will give you instructions on what to do. just be ready with the answers to your security questions.
    iskalibur likes this.
  3. iskalibur

    iskalibur New Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Pasig City
    Better call AppleCare. They will help you recover your account. However, if it's not successful, they might ask you to submit a valid proof of purchase (original receipt) when you purchased your device to remove the lock

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