is there any way to put quicktime "float on top" or always on top"? I'm ready to ditch VLC and use Quicktime to play xvid videos cause the dang thing keeps on a crashing.
I know you're probably looking for an Apple Native feature but sadly, it does not exist (at least to my knowledge). However, there is a (free) third-party application which I use to keep certain windows on top (like download windows). It's called Afloat and you can find it at Macupdate (or VersionTracker whichever you use).
install afloat and it'll be installed as a plug-in, go to system preference and make sure it is enabled after checking go to the windows of the application you wanted to keep a float, then on the taskbar menu go to Windows tab, there you will see the afloat preferences =) btw you look pretty in yellow.. =) (naka namang hirit nanaman yan, napaghahalata)
Open a Quicktime movie. Click "Window" on the Menu Bar You should see the words "Keep Afloat" in the menu that drops down. Click that and it will make the Quicktime window float on top of everything else.
Afloat is a Cocoa plug-in that adds "Keep Floating" (always on top) and "Make Transparent" commands for all windows in all Cocoa applications of Mac OS X.
Hi all, just want to ask what are the other options in making quicktime X in snow leopard 'float' or make 'always on top'? Right now aFloat is incompatible with snow leopard. Thanks in advance