I don’t get it. Sorry, I know many of my iBuds love this free launcher sub. I just don’t see it’s helpfulness? Isn’t Apple’s Tiger supposed to have a similar program of it’s own? What then? Err... um... am I getting too uptight over a little bit of free code? Maybe, I need another tall cold one and think this over a little more.:beer: http://www.quicksilver.blacktree.com/
Try it for about a week. Then remove it. It's like losing a limb. Very useful app. Can't do without it.
Ok, many beers later and nothings changed. The Quicksilver thing just isn't happening for me. Hmm... But I love that Acquisition. Another topic I know... moving on.:beer:
Huh?!? Quicksilver is the best free app i have. After several hours of using it I felt that this should be an a part of OS X already. i don't have any experience with Launch Bar or something similar coz i probably don't need to try anything else. Quicksilver is great and best of all free.
Its pumping up your Mac's efficiency rather than go through ->Finder->Application->xxx.app (double clicking). :2cents: W
Really? I'm happy with Butler (it was more polished than the Quicksilver beta when I first looked at both apps), but I'm curious what advantages Quicksilver has over Butler. @mgd: what are the pros and cons for Quicksilver so far vs Butler?
@jason: eyecandy? I'm back to using Butler after months of fascination with QuickSilver. IMHO, QuickSilver is for those who wants no-frills application launcher while Bulter is for those who wants a launcher with more functionality although both apps basically does the same function.
I used to use LaunchBar, then I saw Gino using Quicksilver at one of the PhilMUG meets. Downloaded it when I got home that night, been using it ever since. I also love the Clipboard History module. Like Sidetrack, I think Quicksilver is one of those apps that should be part of Mac OS X.
I am loving Quicksilver! It just replaced Launchbar as my launcher of choice. What are your favorite modules?
Well, maybe if I lift the tall cold ones with my left hand and try Quicksilver with my right...:beer:
I think Quicksilver really shines when you're in an environment where you have to dive through tons of data at a moment's notice. Where I work, a client will suddently call, asking me to call another person, so I invoke QS and type the first three letters of the person's or company's name and I get an instant quick list of everything from that company's entry in my address book to all the latest emails I've had with that person/company. Looking for a file? PDF, PSD, TIFF, text, doesn't matter--QS will probably get to it faster than you can say Quicksilver. It can even guess through your typos/shorthand, and even search your iTunes and iPhoto library. So if you're using QS just for launching apps, boy, are you missing out.
Amen to that! Quicksilver really does it for me. When I switch to a PC, I automatically do the quick access (command-space for me) to find out oops! Is there QuS for Windows?
the Quicksilver thread this thread is for all quicksilver users - fanatics, haters and all in between. share your tips, ask your questions, rant and rave here. i'm new to it but loving this software so far and want to hear how you guys make the most of it. [Edited on 18-9-2005 by ultratramp]
I tried to live for a few days without Quicksilver using only Spotlight. I just couldn't. I had to put it back. =)
same here, even now that theres spotlight, i still have the quicksilver app on just for those times i know which app to use and fast :winkgrin: