Hi Charlie, as posted in this thread, use Internet Explorer or try Gino's suggestion and use this URL instead: https://www.bpiexpressonline.com/direct_signinNIE.htm
Hi Henjie. Actually, Citibank works with Internet Explorer, except for viewing the electronic statement. The error states that the browser doesn't allow viewing of PDFs and that the minimum version of IE is 5.1 (or something like that). On Mozilla, the statement will load, but it comes out all garbled. Citibank online customers should complain!
Hmm, that's weird. I can view the electronic statements just fine (IE 5.2.3 and Mozilla 1.7x under OS X 10.3.3). I've got the PDF plugin installed in my system, both the current version and an older one (version 0.3 for IE). Could that be the reason? ~Henjie
Unionbankph.com I've tried it with Mac OS X (any non-beta versions) with Netscape 7.x and Internet Explorer. I've also tried it with Windows 95 and 98 using Netscape 4.x and Internet Explorer. I'm apprehensive of using Safari with online transactions it being a relatively new player in the browser scene. I'm just paranoid. Just an opinion, if you're getting a Unionbank online enabled account, steer clear of Eon. Its online service is crap. Get a regular Unionbank account instead.
I use IE with BPI but their service is patchy AT BEST: a) site frequently unavailable b) early this year they had problems renewing their security certificates (duh) c) scheduling payments (expressbills) sometimes works, sometimes not d) once deleted one PLDT payee account and 2 payee accounts disappeared-- they've never been able to explain how this happened their techies obviously Mac clueless Now i use the phone
Thanks, Henjie. It's for my boss, actually. He's the one having problems. I'll see him tomorrow and install the plugin. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks a lot, Gino. Now I am using Safari for BPI Express Online. Is there a similar run around for Citibank Online so that I won't have to use MSIE at all?
Here's a puzzler. The short of it IE v. 5.2.3. I go to BPI's Express Bills site (www.expressbills.com). Get to the log-in page. Fill in the fileds. hit the button. Message alert: Security notice. Data decryption failure. Try to refresh the page. Get same message. Leave site. visit other sites. return to same site. get same message even without typing anything in. Happens in both home and office machine. The long of it Last Feb, got an IE alert that BPI's security certtificates had expired. Called BPI who confirmed it and said that recertification was underway. So i held off on online banking for a month or 2. When i was ready to get back, got to the BPI Online site with no problems. Only the Express Bills presentment site gave-- and is still-- giving me grief. I use it to schedule automated payments for future billing dates. Any ideas? Called a BPI phone banker who didn't know how to spell macintosh. She gave me a service request number which basically means "uhh let me ask around, but don't forget to keep calling back to see if we've done anything about it."
Used to use IE for Citibank, but since upgrading to the latest version of Safari, I don't have to use IE anymore! For all other sites that I can't access, I use Netscape.
Explorer won\'t work with Citibank Online anymore I think this might have something to do with Citibank changing their website. I used to be able to access my accounts by using Internet Explorer 5.2, but today when I click on the login button, a smaller window flashes open and then disappears. When I tried calling Citiphone, they told me to get rid of my browser's pop-up blocker using Yahoo Companion. What they didn't realize is that Yahoo Companion doesn't exist for Macs. After we figured that out, they suggested upgrading IE to version 6, which also doesn't exist for Macs. Finally, the phone banker gave up and suggested I call Mac tech support. Apparently, Citibank doesn't care about Mac users. Has anyone else had this trouble? Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? I tried looking in IE's preferences for a pop-up toggle but couldn't find one.
Yup. I can confirm that starting last weekend, Citibank Online (Philippines) doesn't work with IE 5.2.x (Mac version) anymore. And Safari still doesn't work with the service. Just use Mozilla or Firefox to access the service. ~Henjie
Each time I try to access Citibank's Online Banking site, I have to delete ALL my cookies to get that login window to pop up. Yup, Citibank doesn't seem to care about Mac Users. My emails requesting tech support remain unanswered.
Tried Mozilla 1.7 with Citibank Online and it doesn't seem to show the page correctly. I asked for an Accounts Summary and nothing comes out. Logging out and re-logging in shows a blank pop up window. What am I missing here?
Firefox is exhibiting the same problems as Mozilla when accessing the Online Banking features of Citibank. Help please?
Haven't had any problems accessing Citibank's online banking service with Mozilla since I started using it more than a year ago. If you're having problems viewing the online statements (all of which are in PDF format), make sure you have the PDF plugin installed in your system. The plugin's free for private use. Mozilla and Firefox use the same Gecko engine so any will do. Everything's fine on my end. Account Details, Transfers & Payments, etc. etc. are all working fine. Try creating a new user account and see if the problem persists. If not, then it could be a problem with your current Mozilla profile. ~Henjie [Edited on 9-7-2004 by Henjie]