Need help: YM/Skype crashes when calling/receiving calls

Discussion in 'OS X and OS X Apps' started by stubborn_sage, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. stubborn_sage

    stubborn_sage Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    i posted this one on the YM issue thread but i guess this needs a new one since it's a bit off topic...

    is anyone experiencing recent crashes on ym or skype when calling or receiving calls? i've not been able to chat with friends using aud/vid for a couple of weeks now bec of this problem.
    i'm still on tiger and not sure how to fix this. have tried restarting but these apps continue to crash. i'm also using the latest version of ym/skype.

    any help will be appreciated. thanks!
  2. stubborn_sage

    stubborn_sage Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    guys.. i just found the culprit with the help of Apple support forums :).. and Hear 1.0.2 it is. If anyone is planning to install this 3rd party app, think twice or thrice. It seems to be affecting the system in some way and crashing skype/YM when using the call function.

    Apple is in fact investigating this problem already. I'm pasting the link to the live thread if anyone is interested to know more.

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