Is it possible to make Keynote automatically (without clicking the mouse) build in succession the objects in a slide? Thank you in advance
yep. tried that already. can't seem to make objects build automatically without clicking the mouse for each object.
The current version of Keynote has no auto-advance feature -- each build object requires a mouse click. It's a good bet that auto-advance builds will be a key feature of the next Keynote version.
hi need tips in my first keynote presentation is it possible to view an imovie presentation in keynote? i tried a .mp4 file in keynote but when i played it, it wasnt in full screen. How can i make it on full screen? and can i pause it while its playing when i click it rather than it proceeding to the next slide? thanks a bunch!
In Keynote click on the movie file, drag the corners until it fills the screen. unfortunately the movie is treated as a slide so you can't pause by clicking. A work around would be to make several clips ending/starting where you want the pause and load them as individual slides. [Edited on 8-24-2004 by peter_ob] [Edited on 8-24-2004 by peter_ob]
is there a way to import keynote slide/s into another keynote file aside from manually transferring slide per slide? thanks. LLR
Copy paste or drag and drop the selected slides into your new Keynote document. [Edited on 8-26-2004 by peter_ob]
thanks peter. that's what i do but it's a bit taxing if you import, say 10-20 slides. is there way to highlight several slides then just drag & drop them? or to copy paste several slides at the same time? thanks again. LLR
I have a question guys, I hope you don't mind me barging into the discussion: When you use Keynote to make your presentations, what are the features that makes your audience go "Ohhhhh" and "Ahhhhh" and say "I didn't know you can do that!" or "How'd you do that?"
The cube and flip transitions always elicit that kind of a reaction -- at least the first time people see them. The first time I used Keynote for a lecture, my students told me after the class that they stopped listening because they were just waiting to watch the cube transition to the next slide, LOL! I like to keep my presentations (KN or PP) simple, though, as I find it more challenging to try and keep the focus on the substance rather than the style
Yes the cube and flips make the audience wonder if that came from MS PPT. Then they ask for the slides. (since they are students).
command click on all the selected slides in the sidebar and drag and drop them into the new keynote document. Take note that the slides would retain their inspector attributes. [Edited on 8-27-2004 by peter_ob]
I did a presentation a few days ago using my TiBook with Romeo and an SE Z600 (with Pink covers). My clients were amazed that I timed my spiel perfectly with the slides while "texting" on the phone. They were even more amazed because the presentation went forward and back as I used previous slided to answer their questions. Some of the comments/questions I remember were: "voice command yan?" "paano mo nagawa yon?" "hanep" project sold! ps. i never told them how :evil: