Need Help: MS Outlook 2003 to MS Entourage X

Discussion in 'OS X and OS X Apps' started by melnepomuceno, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Hello Everyone,

    Greetings. I'm new here and I need help.

    I just got an iBook for my wife Rita and now in the process of transfering her PC laptop files to iBook. Everything Ok except for the Outlook 2003 data files to Entrourage X. So far I have only some very cryptic Help instructions on both sides to work with and I have not been able to export my Outlook files so it can be imported to Entourage (as the instructions says)

    Will appreciate if you can help me. Without this will not be able to use the new Mac and we will be stuck in limbo.

    Thanks and regards,

  2. Dropzone

    Dropzone Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Mel,

    Follow this link, it might be helpful:


    [Edited on 8-16-2004 by Dropzone]
  3. marvinp

    marvinp Active Member

    Apr 8, 2004
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    From Windows :
    1. Download and Install Mozilla ( with Mozilla Mail included
    2. In Mozilla Mail: Tools > Import > Mail > Outlook
    3. Find on C:\ files in Application Data/Mozilla/Profiles/*.* (include Inbox.msf) (Include the profile in Mozilla Mail)
    4. Delete *.msf files (used only for Mozilla mail)
    5. Rename whateverfile in whateverfile.mbox and this for every files (ie: Inbox become Inbox.mbox)
    6. Copy those files in shared folders that a Mac can see or burn on a CD.

    To a Mac:
    7. Drag and drop the whateverfile.mbox in entourage and you retreive all emails + folders + attachment.

    Tip: Create folders in entourage as they are in your Outlook and drag and drop every .mbox files separatly in entourage
  4. piedad

    piedad Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2004
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    Hi Mel,
    Welcome to the group!
    FYI guys, Mel is my most recent convert to MAC. On the one hand, I would like to help him out so they can maximize the ibook. On the other hand I know that secretly he would wish this outlook to entourage conversion would not work so he can justify taking possession of the ibook. He, he, he....
  5. Outlook2Entourage

    Ok, so far I tried the O2E solution but did not get pass installing it successfully in my XP laptop. It can not locate a certain GAPI32.dll but when i used the Windows Explorer Search it found more than 10 occurrence of that file all over the place.
  6. longbeard

    longbeard Active Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Hong Kong
    O2E needs to be registered or else you cannot transfer all your files from Outlook 2003 to Entourage. The other way is using the Mozilla Mail Method but somewhere down the line I made a mistake since the attachments were not included. I have to do it all over again one fo these days.
  7. jrod1299

    jrod1299 Guest

    Just for another perspective, I also bought and tried to use the O2M software from and had a ton of problems. I was able to install it and actually export my contacts and calendar scussfully, but when it came to email is where the tool completely failed. It left large holes of missing emails across multiple (if not all) my different folders Whem I mean large I mean sometimes it would skip a few days other times it would skip half a year. It left my email in such a way that I could no longer vouch for the integrity of the email. When I contacted the company to complain they indicated that they would refund my money but there is a $1.50 charge for returned software...just beware.

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