francismir's thread about moving the iTunes folder reminded me that I wanted to move my iPhoto folder to the same external drive I keep my iTunes folder in, but didn't know how. (elbertc taught me how to transfer my iTunes folder successfully, in a older post.) My boot disk is choking under the weight, and I need to keep some space free for reliable operation, and as scratch disk space for various apps. iPhoto is a little more difficult to transfer, as there is no obvious and intuitive method on how to do it. I scrounged the net and found a tip, but it's from Jan 2002, released on the same day iPhoto was released. So I'm loathe to try it - many things have changed since then. Most likely it won't work, but for reference's sake, here are the instructions. Try it at your own risk. To change the default file store location, go to terminal and type: defaults write RootDirectory /path/to/desired/location To remove the change default: defaults remove RootDirectory A newer and better way is to try Brian Webster's shareware iPhoto Library Manager, but I'd like to ask if someone's already tried this out, or have better alternatives. I'm afraid to mess up my photos. Thanks.
Here's a suggestion. Download Iphoto Buddy (free!) and use it to create a new library on your external HD. Then use Iphoto Extractor (free again!) to export your entire iPhoto library (sans thumbnails and duplicates) to a temporary folder on your external HD. Start up your new and empty iPhoto library using iPhoto Buddy then click on Add to Library to add the temporary picture folder to your new iPhoto Library. Remember to delete the temporary folder to save on disk space after you're done adding to the library. This has worked for me, although I lost all my albums. I have a suspicion that the albums in iPhoto are stored in the same way that iTunes does, but I'm not sure. It may just be a matter of copying library files.
After you've created your new libraries and transferred your photos, it's easy to switch between libraries. I think I read about this in one of the threads here. Try this: If iPhoto is open, exit iPhoto. Press option and then click on iPhoto. It will start-up and ask you to select the library you want to use. I use this to switch between libraries in my powerbook and my external drive. [Edited on 9-6-2005 by quicksilver]
Yikes, Gabe. After all the effort and careful sorting and organization of all my pics, this is the second thing I'm trying most to avoid. (The first being losing the pictures themselves.)
Because of all my photos, I actually made two libraries that I switch between depending on the need. I have one library with ALL my photographs in my external HDD and another on my Pbook's HDD which contains client work. To do this, I just moved my iPhoto library with ALL my photos from my Pbook's HDD to my external HDD by just copying it into the HDD. Once copied, I erased my whole iPhoto folder on my Pbook HDD. By default the next time I opened iPhoto it asked me to pick which library to choose from. So, I directed it to my external HDD. In the event that my external HDD is not connected, I am prompted again once I open iPhoto to pick the library. Since I didn't have another one. I made another library by choosing the Create Library option when I was prompted in iPhoto. Everything still stayed organized, even all the albums and I didn't lose anything. Even my slideshows were intact. not sure if this is the answer you're looking for.
I have the same dilemma. Planning to transfer all my photos to an ext HD. Adel : Please post if you had success (sans hitches) in moving your iPhoto folder. And how were you able to do it.
Adel, I had about two thousand pictures and about four albums, so it wasn't a biggie for me. Haha. Sometimes it's better to be an unorganized guy.
Finally transfered my entire 9GB iPhoto library into an external hard drive Everytime I open my iPhoto, it opens the one connected to the ext drive. No hitches
a little OT for itunes folder and iphoto folder i can both transfer it to an external HD right? And just change the preference in my itunes and iphoto so i can sync in that folder instead? Will copying just work?