I am having problems trying to set-up multiple account using Mail 1.3.7, a .Mac account and PLDT MyDSL's mail server. I could access & send e-mails from the .Mac account but not from .pldtdsl.net. I always get an access denied message and I'm sure I have the right password. I also am sure I got the POP and SMTP configurations the way PLDT wants them to be. What am I doing wrong?
Same problem here. I just got my DSL connection from PLDT the other day, tried to configure Mail with my new address and tried to e-mail my friends informing them of my new e-mail address but it refuses to send out the e-mails. There is always a warning message of some sort. I tried to send an email to my pldt address from the same address and I got the mail. What's wrong? Nap
Everthings OK now. Apparently it was a glitch in infocom's system. I even could not change my password in the webmail. Docnap you can try this. Go to the technical support page http://tsg.info.com.ph/pldtdsl/ Click on Outlook Web Access and in the options menu try to change your password if you couldn't it is a problem on their side.
I finally was able to configure my entourage and mail. I just had to enable server authentication for outgoing mail in Entourage and all went well Nap