I've used iWeb prior to the last upgrade and decided to use it again for a small gallery for some friends. Everything was working fine till I wanted to publish it to a folder. I always get this error below. I've searched briefly on the web and found that a lot of people are getting this issue both with publishing to a folder and publishing to .mac. Is anybody else getting this error? Has anyone found a solution yet? So far from my brief search I haven't found anything. Anybody come up with a helpful site? TIA
no problems from my end. did you update (deleted older posts) a blog page before the publish? some users reported having to delete entire blog page and re-publishing. not saying you should do this, but when all else fails, then i guess it's an option. i even recall on user who deleted "email me" & "counter" buttons to be able to publish! not sure if you've read following: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=2720771� goodluck.
thanks theus for the info... my laptop is a fresh install so i don't have any published pages other than the one i just created. i'll take a look at that link and see what i can find. TY