Hello there! i'm still a quite a novice when it comes to itunes so this might sound moronic but i'll ask it anyway. I transferred most of my wife's music to an external HD to free up some space. so this meant i had to transfer the library to the external disk. But my wife recently got some songs and saved it in a different library which is located in the local HD. My question is if there is a way to transfer all the new songs to the main library in the external HD? cheers..
No problem, just transfer the new music files to your external disk and erase them from your local HD. Then, erase the songs from your iTunes library. The reload the recently transferred files from the external HD to your iTunes library. You'll find that the artwork, genre and other annotations are saved although you'll have to re-enter the Equalizer settings. Also, please remember the adage: No question is ever idiotic nor moronic if asked in earnest.
Playlists and other settings can be copied by exporting your iTunes library. 1. In 'File", choose 'Export'. 2. Enter a file name (it will be a text file) and destination (the Desktop would be convenient). 3. Move or copy this exported file to your other machine or another User in the same machine. 4. Open iTunes in the 2nd machine (or User) and 'Import' the text file you just created and moved. 5. It goes without saying that the actual music files 'referenced' by the exported text file should be accessible in the new machine or by the other User (set it up via System Prefs - Sharing - File Sharing [or Web Sharing]).