Has anyone tried running iPhoto since updating iTunes & QuickTime? Ever since updating, iPhoto's been unusable. Whenever I run it, I can still see all of my photos in thumbnail view, but upon selecting a thumbnail, I can't view the enlarged photo. Editing and full screen view don't work. Slideshows work, however. I've repaired permissions, deleted preferences, created a new user profile, backed up and rebuilt my iPhoto library, uninstalled and reinstalled iPhoto, and followed the workaround of the Apple knowledge base. Still the same. I use iPhoto v.6.0.4. Help!
It's nice to know that you guys are not experiencing any problems. Do you have some suggestions about fixing mine?
I think I have discovered the root of my problem: Front Row Enabler. Some users over at Andrew Escobar's site have reported the same iPhoto error. I have uninstalled Front Row - iPhoto still broken. I've reinstalled the 10.4.7 Combo Updater- iPhoto still broken. It's time to look for that Archive & Install thread now..
tsk, that enabler (a hack) is known to wreak havoc (esp. on intel imacs). in my case, it corrupted "Security", "Display" & "KB & mouse" panes under "system preferences". i'm actually doing "A&I" tomorrow. so good luck to both of us!
Hi Booblanco, Have you tried reinstalling these two files from the combo update using pacifist: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BezelServices.framework/ Versions/A/BezelServices /System/Library/LoginPlugins/BezelServices.loginPlugin/ Contents/MacOS/BezelServices maybe it will help.
Thanks, md1122, but I've done that already to no avail. I'm on my 5th hour of reinstalling everything from scratch and I think I have two hours to go. iPhoto now works of course.