iPhone 6s,7 Wifi Cutting Off

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPod Touch' started by Juice, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. Juice

    Juice PhilMUG Addict Member

    May 31, 2009
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    I noticed this week, our iPhone 6s and 7 have been losing wifi signals when I move from room to room. At first, I though it was an access point problem. But, none of the other mobiles like iPads, iPhone 7+ including Android devices have been losing signals. In the office, it's also the only phones that are losing signal from wifi when you move from one access point to another. The only solution for now, is to forget and reconnect to the wifi. Anyone else having this problem? I checekd the Apple boards and some have it too, but no other solutions have been offered. Any suggestions I can try?

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