I recently ripped a dance music compilation CD as one continuous track into iTunes as a remedy to the small annoyances of having a brief pause in between the individual music tracks when played on my iPod. Just curious, podcasts of iTunes New Music Tuesday has chapter markers within 1 continuous track. Is there a program that allows me to do the same thing with this long continuous track? I googled "mp3 chapter marker" but came up blank. Anybody with an idea? Hope am making sense here. Would appreciate any help from the forum.
hmmm... not sure what i can say and what i can't at this stage... hmmm.. scroll to the bottom of: http://www.apple.com/support/garageband/podcasts/ and you will find out about something called ChapterTool: http://homepage.mac.com/applepodcast/podcasts/Resources/static/podcast_chapter_tool_beta.dmg will it get easier? yes. bests pb
Thanks guys. Feels like a little too much work. Just curious, why can't Apple implement gapless playback option on their mp3 players?