iChat Doorbell Alert?

Discussion in 'OS X and OS X Apps' started by scuba_holic, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. scuba_holic

    scuba_holic Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Makati - Calamba and everywhere inbetween
    I have some Mac Mini's in my resto and when I chat with my employees sometimes it takes a few minutes for them to realize that I'm trying to contact them. I already went into preferences and made sure that the iChat icon continually bounces when there are unread messages. However, they still don't notice it right away. Especially if they have other applications running. I've also changed the alert sound for incoming messages and increased the volume but it is still not loud enough. And I'm not inclined to get external speakers.

    What I miss about YM is that you can press control-G and you can buzz your buddy to get their attention.

    Is there a similar feature in iChat?


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