I've been getting less than ideal battery life on my replacement MBP battery. Someone suggested a poll to find out exactly how long mac users get on their MacBook Pro battery. So here we are. In my case, it's 2.5-3.0 hours. My original battery stretched for 3.5-4.0 hours.
hey Gaol, i had my battery replaced as wel, and mine lasts just as long as the old one. The only thing i noticed with this new one is that it has less heat when recharging than the old one. Im not sure if it's just me but it quite noticable to be honest. But seeing that some people reaching more than 3.5 hours is just absurd! I mean thats good for them, im not saying their liars but it just sucks that mine hasnt reached that far.... Good Poll though. hehe
Well i dunno if this helps, but the status of my battery on the menu bar has always been 4-5 hours. However, if I use it I only get 2.5-a bit more than 3 hours. It feels weird...
in my experience, u cannot pinpoint the exact running time of an MBP's batery or any laptop's batery. one should take note of the program/software that is frequently run, for example, running photoshop differs entirely in batery consumption from running a simple word processing program. but, being not too technical about it, on the average, i would say 3 hours is decent. heehee.
Thanks, guys! Keep it coming. Looks like most of us are in the 2.5-3.0 hour zone; in fact, more than half of 9 votes so far get less than 3 hours. It appears then that I was quite lucky with my first battery.
do you use Photoshop or other "power apps"? i'm using my second battery now (first one was replaced... busted). i've never gotten past 2:15 on both batteries. this current one also needs to be replaced (already talked to an APS)... i hope the up and coming 3rd battery will last 3-3.5 even with use of power apps...
i don't have any "power apps" on my machine yet.. most of the time i only have Safari, Firefox, Word, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, iClip, Yahoo Messenger, and Adium open, with Bluetooth and Salling Clicker on.. coconut battery says i have 92% of the original capacity left..
When I'm on battery power, I'm just usually doing light surfing and checking email. Battery setting is Normal, bluetooth on. When I'm (actually) working, I'm plugged in. That's when I have a lot open: Safari, Mail, iCal, AddressBook, Calculator, Missing Sync, and several non-Universal apps: Quickbooks, Word, Excel.
Yeah, it's kinda weird for mine too.. Just got my replacement battery last weekend. What (usage) would normaly last me around 3.5 hours in my old batt now only lasts about 2.5 hours! is this right? (using a powerbook though)
Hey xellixous, thats pretty low. what kind of apps do you run and how do you use it within those 2 hours? Try recallibrating it and check the discussions on batteries here. The only time i had less than 2 hours was when i played this game because it was the blackout during the recent storm! hehe! good luck to ya! oh yeah one last thing, see if your elligible for the battery exchange program online.
hi manolop, yes mine is elligible for the battery program, and it's been replaced... I know it's strange... I only got under 2 hours, 2 and half at the most... i tried observing it and try not to run any application except safari, it lasted about 2 hours and half... i was dissapointed... sometimes i'd go out (100% full) and use my computer for say 30 min and then close the lid and use it again for later... my battery will then say 60% and when I tried using it again it will just shut down, I checked the back of my battery and it's flat.. ( sometimes I don't get warning saying the battery is low ) so I will be working on my computer and it will just die.....
That sounds like a sour lemon. I suggest you have that checked and hopefully replaced. I never had any problems with my old battery and this new one, not even close to yours, so i think its best to have it checked. good luck
In Preference, you can set some energy saving features when you are unplugged. Toy around with it and hopefully, you'll get a far longer battery life from your MBP.
same problem like xellixious talked w/ nomer of ynzal hell try to test it daw to see if its defective. how do you request for a replacement of the replacement battery?