So anyway, I have a flash game and it's in an EXEcutable file format. Is there a way an easy way play this in my mac? Thanks in advance.
here you go Parallels Desktop Parallels Desktop require a Mac with an Intel processor. It is more convenient to use than Apple's Boot Camp as it does not require to restart your Mac every time you want to run a Windows application. You still need a copy of Microsoft Windows and install it on a part of your hard disk. You also need to keep this part of your disk free of spyware, viruses. You can keep the Mac part of your disk separate from your Windows part, so nasty applications will not ruin your Mac data. Amazon: Parallels Desktop Apple's Boot Camp The newest Macs have an Intel processor inside, and Apple has made it possible via BootCamp to install Windows XP in a part of your disk. With Boot Camp, you shut down your Mac and restart it as a real Windows PC which works at full speed. When you want to go back to Mac OS, you restart it again as a Mac. You still need to purchase a copy of Windows, install it and keep that corner of your hard disk free of virus, worms and spyware. BootCamp is a part of Apple Mac OS X Version 10.5 Leopard which you may already have if you bought your Mac after October 26 2007. Amazon: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition VMWare's Fusion If you have a Mac with an Intel processor, VMWare Fusion will be an alternative to Parallels Desktop. They are already known for making virtual Windows environments on Windows, so Windows users can run different versions of Windows on the same PC. Amazon: VMware Fusion 2 You do need a copy of Microsoft Windows as well. Crossover Mac Codeweavers have released CrossOver (Jan 10 2007) - another way to run Windows applications on Intel based Macs. The big advantage of their approach is that you do not need to buy and install Windows. The disadvantage is that it is not a 100% Windows replacement, but they have focused on the most common parts of Windows, and if an application only depend on those it should work. Their list of supported applications (and database!) give an impression of how much of Windows they support.
unfortunately, none that I know of. Your lucky, running windows apps on PPC macs is a pain in the @$$
Unfortunately... but I like that fact, since most viruses and malwares are hidden and disguised as EXE files...