Hello, i'm looking for a nice pair of headphones, ones that will cover the entire ear to keep the noise out... preferably light since i'll be bringing it around with my laptop... can anyone suggest one? and where to buy it as well as the price? thanks in advance!
I just recently bought a Pioneer earphones. These are the ones that you have to clip it in yor ears. These are not earplugs though. It covers your ears. Foldable and when i auditioned the earphones. It was good. Syempre kilala naman kasi ang pioneer when it comes to entertainment. Bought it at mobile 1 for 990 pesos... Thanks...
Pocket Rocket just bought some Senns HD415s for that very purpose. It sounds pretty good and not so bad at P2,100(if i remember right).
2-3k sounds just about right... (pun intended... hahaha) kikoreta, any idea where i can get those senns?
Sennheiser hd-201's are affordable (1.5k), available at most powermac branches, and have gotten good reviews at headphone.com http://www.headphone.com/guide/by-manufacturer/sennheiser/sennheiser-hd-201.php
sennheiser CX300, got em in HK for only $12 you can try the local stores or www.amazon.com www.ebay.com
If you're on a tight budget, try Creative EP-630. They are noise isolating earphones, and costs only P1300 at Electroworld. I have one and it really keeps the noise out.
I still swear by my Bose QC2 Noise Cancelling Headphones they are pricey and a little bulky but it never bother me. This is the noise cancelling Headphones which all others are measured against. If you travel alot especially ariplanes you would really want this.
can i ask suggestions on what earphones to use for my ipod? it always falls off my ears when i use cardio machines.
The Senns can be purchased in almost any mall. My bro got his in Shangri-La fifth level in gadgets and more.
Shure E2c user here. If you feel comfortable using in ear plugins, this is worth its price. Check Powermac stores.
Low Budget - Get the Senns CX300 Mid-Range Budget - Shure E2C or Bose TriPort IE High Budget - Bose Quiet Comfort or TriPort OE Ridiculous - you know who you are... I don't need to recommend anything, they're all good.
I'm just using the apple in-ear earphones they sound pretty good....thats compared to the ones that came with the touch that is....don't really know how they fair against the other ones though....
My only problem with E2C is you have to replace the wax cover when it gets dirty or accumulated enough wax, so its high maintenance. You have to order the wax sticker eventually. I still love my Westone UM2(clear housing), around 2 years now with no sign of wear and tear.
Former E2C user here, the housings on mine cracked some months ago, replaced with Bose TriPort OE's IMO they sound much nicer with better overall clarity and bass response than the Shures.
try the bose in ear- earphones. it costs 5k but it's worth it. very good quality and easy to take around wherever you go.