Guys, I've been wondrin' if i could upgrade my 80GB HD to 120HD just like new Macbook Air nowadays.. its just, 80GB is so much small for me including the updates that i've download.. it almost consumes 50% of my HD, my itunes consumes only 5GB of music and vids.. i prefer to buy external HD but i just really want to upgrade the HD capacity, could it be possible?..
I think That's Rev. A and that MacBook Air only supports PATA drives (found on iPod Classics) which is, I think , Harder to find? The New Rev. B supports SATA...
probably not. if im not mistaken, the HD's on the older airs were 1.8 inch PATA drives. the 120 gig ones are 1.8 inch SATA drives. unless you find a 1.8 inch PATA drive bigger than 80gig? EDIT: beaten to it by rdy. in theory, you CAN replace the macbook air's HD. rdy is correct in saying that the 1.8 PATA drives are also found in the HD based ipods - video/classic. if you can get your hands on a 120/160 ipod, maybe you can swap it out? or you can try sticking this into your air: