Hi guys, again... It's been a year since I saw the light, and it has been nothing but bliss since then.. However, lately, after I bought the D70 have been doing a lot of post-processing, I noticed that my processing speed became really slow. In fact, just rotating a photo in iphoto can be slow. I have identified the problem, using the Activity Monitor progrram, and the culprit is the finder, which can take us as much as 90% of my 768 RAM. I tried quitting the Finder program, and after all my desktop icons are gone, the processing speed went back to normal. What surprised me though is that when I run the finder again, this slow processing is gone, to come back again after I do some post-processing, with either NIKON CAPTURE or PHOTOSHIOP CS.What's wrong? Any idea guys? I have repaired permissions several times and the prob lem recurs everytime I post process and I have to quit and open finder everytime. TIA Nap
Do you have "Show Preview" turned on? It may be that the Finder is trying to recreate/create the preview icons. That always takes a lot of time, specially if you have a lot of images in one folder. I notice that the Finder slows down then trying to do previews on my PB. You may want to turn off Previews, or make the thumbnails a lot smaller... Regards, Horace
Yup. Show preview is on. I turned it off and suddenly the activity meter went down. Will see if it recurs again. In the meantime, many thanks for that. Have a Merry Christmas to you and to all. Nap
Horace, I thought it's back to normal but after I opened a picture file from my desktop folder, activity monitor is up again and remained up. Again, only after I quit finder did it go down, and remained there even after I opened Finder again. Any more ideas? Anyone? Nap