I synced my palm to my ibook for the first time recently and all my tasks were sync to ical. unfortunately there are like 4000 plus of them and ical reads them as not completed even though they've already been completed in my palm. I tried selecting all and deleting them in ical but it seems to be taking like ages, i don't know if it's even deleting them cause aftr an hour the program is still thinking and i can still see the todos. Is there like a faster way to do this like deleting a database file instead? It's driving me crazy seeing all these uncompleted to dos. and when I try to mark the certain task as completed, the ical software takes like forever to do this and there's like 4000 of them to mark. Somebody help me pls.
care to give some more details? what version of OS X are you using? Do you have missing sync installed or are you using iSync? Have you tried deleting by batches?
10.4 OSX I used isync at first and now missing sync... and Tungsten t3 isn't there like a database file i can delete in the library... with out of course deleting my events just the the to do list?