I've tried downloading it 6 times already. It always stops at around 62MB (total is about 377MB). I also cannot download Quicktime 7.5.5 and the iWork '09 trial 'cause it keeps getting a "mounting failed" error. I tried using Firefox but it still wouldn't finish. What do I do with this? Think it's because of the internet connection?
Yeah, I tried downloading from others but they still stop. I guess I'll have to look for them in torrent sites. I'm really thinking that my internet is to blame. A pity, though, I just transferred to the Skycable.
@triballistic: I'd shy away from torrent sites to download this. Try getting one of those airborne express cards that's P150 for 3 days unlimited and just hang out reading at a coffee shop while it downloads for you.
i also had problems downloading the update. after several tries from the software updater stopping at around 70mb i tried downloading the patch from the apple site but after downloading the 377mb the file refused to mount so it was discarded. then i tried the software updater again and was successful in downloading the 190mb update after 3 tries. you just have to be patient and waiting more than 2 hours for it to download.
hi triballistic, try to use a download manager to fetch the software updates you need from apple.com/download.
have the same problem was downloading the firmware for my ihpne 2.2 and also OSX update. Im using skycable in the house and globe in my office stillnothing it still stops. So I went to Vmall and ask them if theycan down load it for me...still the same thing it stops.You think its apple server?? ITs so unlikely of them niot to fix it its almost 1 week
also been having problems with updating software. i select "restart and install updates" when it prompts me. it restarts, a progress bar appears but it gets stuck after a few minutes and never proceeds to load the OS. it used to work before, i dunno why it's not working anymore. i have mac osx 10.5. my internet seems fine. so i restart manually (pressing the power button a few seconds).. what could be wrong? any way to fix this?
@whatevs, try installing the updates one at a time. Are you also trying to install the 10.5.6 update?
I tried it and was able to download the entire 10.5.6 but when proceeded with the installation of the update i got stuck with the configuring installation message. I thought its goodbye to my files (haven't backup for a long time already) but thankfully I rebooted and got back to a perfectly working OS but without the update. Ill try again after I back up my files. Back to your problem. I agree that you should try downloading from another internet connection - coffee shop, office, a friend's
Also experienced this issue. I read from another 10.5.6 issue thread that you just need to delete the files in the update folder. Mac HD>Library>updates. More here And here
er, i think (in my case) it automatically detected 3 items to be installed. i don't remember being prompted which updates to install. i'll try to re-install my safari. i have a feeling the problem is with the recent version i installed, but i am still not sure for now.
@whatevs, you can specify which updates should be installed by running Software Update (click on the Apple icon at the upper-left corner). It will show several updates, only check one update at a time. If you're having problems installing the 10.5.6 update, better download the 10.5.6 Combo Update from here and install it manually. Keep us posted EDIT: For those having trouble installing the 10.5.6 update via Software Update, downloading and installing the 10.5.6 Combo Update manually (link above) usually solves it.
I tried this solution first. I removed deleted the files in the updates folder. and then followed these steps (as what patrick said) you can specify which updates should be installed by running Software Update (click on the Apple icon at the upper-left corner). It will show several updates, only check one update at a time. I was able to solve the problem. Thanks! Is the combo update necessary from this point?
@whatevs, no need to download the combo update if you were able to install the 10.5.6 via Software Update
I got it to fully download! I got Speed Download Lite to prevent it from finishing partially, it did the trick. I updated my software, then the other updates downloaded smoothly after that. Thanks for everyone's concern!
Glad this thread was made, had the same problems with Software Update and downloading the update from the Apple Support side. +1 to triballistic's "Speed Download Lite method".