\'Call of Duty\' for the Mac - Demo now available Another demo to distract yourself with - get Call of Duty here. 256.5 mb!
you can't put down the mouse ey, the moment you do, you'll see a lot of german bullets racing towards you.
it's one of the most realistic FPS (First Person Shooters) in the WWII era. You'll find yourself totally immersed in the world inside that it makes you feel like you were there. The virtual soldiers around you aren't dummies unlike other FPS games out there.
it was the first game that made me feel like i was really involved with world war ii. the graphics, sound, gameplay and replay value were to die for. i herad that they are releasing the expansion some time this late august (rumor only).
Cool game indeed. Finished the demo level in ten minutes. Can you say bitin? I will go out and buy the full version tomorrow.