If you're booted to 64-bit, the drivers would not load at all, keeps on displaying an error message. In 32-bit mode, while in the System Preferences Pane, and you select the MacFUSE or NTFS3G, a message appears "To use the MacFUSE/NTFS 3G preferences pane, system preferences must quit and reopen." Then the "System Preferences (32-bit)" shows at the top label bar, and "MacFUSE (32-bit)" label also shows up. But other than that, there are no problems.
if you are using snow leopard, you can unlock the hidden NTFS read/write function via terminal. steps: (terminal commands are in bold) - remove any NTFS 3rd party application first - launch terminal - sudo -s and enter your password - cd /Volumes (if you dont know the volume name) - ls - diskutil info /Volumes/"NTFS volume name" - (remove quote and replace it with your NTFS volume name, also do take note of the UUID) another way to get UUID is dikutility->NTFS drive->right click->Information - sudo nano /etc/fstab - copy paste below but remove quotes - UUID="yourUUIDgoeshere" none ntfs rw (e.g. UUID=1DF44348-8231-338D-AF3E-713AE5C09F4C none ntfs rw) - to save control X and press Y - reboot that's it! NTFS read and write.. credits to this guy @#snowleopard (will edit this when i found his name)
YES it works!! haha sorry a very late reply here's another method to unlock read/write on snow leopard, tested both methods and it works. launch terminal and copy paste the ff below: enter your username password Code: mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig Code: nano /sbin/mount_ntfs copy/paste the 2 lines Code: #!/bin/sh /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig -o rw "$@" to save press Control/ctrl + O then enter or Control X + Y (to exit press Control X) Code: chown root:wheel /sbin/mount_ntfs Code: chmod 755 /sbin/mount_ntfs Code: reboot to undo type: Code: mv /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig /sbin/mount_ntf and if ever you are wondering how to undo the method posted above, just type: Code: nano /etc/fstab then delete what you type (eg UUID=xxxxx) HTH
Hi Skinhead, Is there any consequences if you permanently enable the NFTS read and write for NTFS formatted external HD? Thanks in advance.
Hi guys, I was wondering why I can read and write(Transfer photos on NTFS external hard drive through network with my PC desktop? Is there anything in relation with this matter? Kindly educate me with this I'm totally new with this cross platform between OS. I really wanted to enable the NTFS but thinking it might there will be a trade off by enabling it on SL.
@Skint, If your NTFS drive is connected to a Windows PC, and the PC is sharing the files, then your mac is not directly interfacing with the NTFS file system. The Mac it talking to the PC using Windows' file sharing protocal (Samba), and then the PC performs the read/writes to the drive. If this is not an inconvenience for you, then this is a perfectly good way to read/write to your NTFS drive. However, if you'd like the convenience of attaching the drive directly to the Mac (this would give faster access, unless you are already on a Gigabit network) then you'll need to perform one of hacks. I have personally performed the 2nd hack listed above (renaming mount_ntfs and creating a new mount_ntfs) and it seemed to work fine, though I didn't use it extensively. I just needed the functionality for one day. Some people online have reported some issues with the NTFS hacks, and I'm sure there must be a good reason why Apple decided not to enable it yet. However, many others seem to be using it without problems.