All phones except for the Pixel and older iPhones have it... Have you ever edited your photo/face to make it look better? "edited" refers to removal of pimples, eye bags, scars and enhancing skin color and whitening of teeth Are you just using your phone's stock camera or are you using dedicated apps?
^Are you kidding me? No photo editing app or dedicated superlative camera can change the way I look...even PhotoShop booted itself when someone tried to edit my face... I am what they call "no can do"...
^hahaha... Decided to start the thread since I saw reports on how Apple took the Samsung route in configuring their front facing camera for the XS... I actually do not want to use the term "Samsung route" since I've noticed that most Chinese phones have the "beautify mode" turned on by default! Personally... ID Photo - yes I clean up my face a little bit (pimples and eye-bags) Everything else - point shoot and share