hey guys. i just ripped a CD into itunes a while ago. i tried to put album art from the website, but the file was a .gif my problem now is that the artwork wont show. im really OC about stuff like this, especially this particular album is a personal favorite. help
tried to do it, and it wont work. i tried deleting the album, re importing it, and adding the artwork, still to no avail. any remedies for this? or does the problem lie with my synergy?(it wont show in synergy, i forgot to tell).
try getting your artwork from another source, say, www.allmusic.com. i get my artworks from this site and so far it hasn't failed me.
tried it. unfortunately, parang walang OPM. i tried a search for the album, a different artist came out
oof! didn't realize you were looking for an opm artwork! sorry about that! oh, have you tried searching through google photos? sometimes, if i can't find the artwork through allmusic.com, that's where i look.
oh, and since you have a .gif file of the picture, double click it and it will open in preview. then click "save as" and choose the jpeg format. maybe this will work.