Hi guys! I'm looking for an external monitor that could do double duty connected to my Macbook Pro 15" retina and a gaming PC rig. Of course, I'd like to get as close as possible to the resolution and color output of the Thunderbolt display, but with something that's still compatible with a PC. Any recos?
@nash You might want to check out the Dell u2715h. 27inches, 2560x1440, comes with hdmi, display ports (mini and full size) and usb ports. I was considering the thunderbolt display but it was way over my budget. After auditioning different panels, i chose this unit. Got it for a little over 27k from Dell at SM North EDSA. hth. http://accessories.ap.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=hk&l=en&s=bsd&cs=hkbsd1&sku=210-adsz
it came with a mini display port cable which connect to my MBPr's thunderbolt port. hdmi works too (full resolution).
Wow! So I don't have to buy any extra adapter? And what's a better connection, Thunderbolt or HDMI? Thank you again @robvillegas . @Sunil the MacBook 12-inch can drive the Dell U2715H? Nice. That's HDMI?
Hi @Calhoun! Yes thats HDMI. I read somewhere that DisplayPort is a much better connection than HDMI, but since the rMB doesnt have DP, so HDMI it is.
Thanks for the reply, @robvillegas ! Ooohh, it even comes with USB ports! Is it okay compared to the Apple Thunderbolt display? And do you use it for gaming? I guess all this monitor is lacking to really kick Apple's Thunderbolt Display's butt are the speakers / audio output, right? (I'm suddenly on the fence, too, since a friend is offering his 2-year-old Apple Thunderbolt Display for about the same price...)
Hi, @infiniteloop ! Thanks for the reco! Does that mean the thunderbolt makes the monitor a USB hub, too? I also read that it has speakers. How are they (especially compared to the Apple Cinema Display)? And how's the display itself?
hi nash, i use an iMac 5k at work, and resolution wise, it can't be beat. but if both offered the same pixel resolution, i like the Dell's matte screen better than the iMac's glossy finish. gaming? no, i have my consoles setup in the bedroom. i did, however, setup an OUYA using the dell monitor once, and the display was sharp.
Yeah, if only those could be used as external displays already, or better yet, a 5k Thunderbolt display should be made. Too bad MBPs can't drive it yet. :| Okay, I hope the "fast mode" 6ms response time's good enough for gaming (and "fast mode" isn't just a Dell marketing term). Thanks again for the reco!
If you're on a budget, the Dell S2340L or the 27 inch version of it is great. It's what I have. I use it for both my 15 inch rMBP and my ps4. It's glossy though so your setup location needs to be taken into consideration. Otherwise the Dell U series is great. ASUS one's are also great esp for gaming.
Here is a very nice article i found in appleinsider suggesting alternatives to the thunderbolt display: http://iphone.appleinsider.com/arti...es-to-apples-discontinued-thunderbolt-display