i finally figured out how to extract sit using OSXtiger and stuffit expander. excited to be able to use acdsee on my new mac as its my fav photo app in windows for viewing. suffice it to say, i am super disapointed in its performance...super slow...thumbnails look like crap. nothing like the windows counter part. trashed it after 15mins of testing this is becoming more hassel that ive ever expected moving platforms. i really expected much more from the latest mac can anyone suggest a better alternative? nothing like iphoto where we have to import the images before it creats a thumbnail. iphoto is even slower than acdsee windows version. anyways, i want something like acdsee that performs task and thumbnails and image viewing/zooming in using the actual images in the original folder. any advice guyz?
i havent figured out how to view larger thumbnails for more precise selection of images using preview. can you change the thumbnail size bah sa preview like you can do with iphoto and acdsee? also can you view many thumbnails at once (say 6 images at the same time) with preview?
Apple does not make ACDSee, so it's not your Mac's fault. ACDSee, on both platforms, is crap. Use the Finder. The view options per Finder window can do much what you want it to do. To view the file double-click on it to open Preview as ikenn suggested. And Preview is so much more robust than ACDSee when it comes to exporting. To view a quick preview of all or a groups of files: select the file/s, right-click, and choose "slideshow' from the contextual menu. Move the mouse from within the slideshow to see the slideshow options pane. it's not a one-app-solution, but it works. That's how the Mac user experience is, learning to work with programs that integrate seamlessly. iPhoto 6, is fast on my Macs, even faster than ACDSee running on P4, especially with tons of photos. Plus, you get lots of options for image management. But, you'll have to import the photos.
I'm a recent switcher myself but I agree, iPhoto 6 is fast, I guess, esp on Intel macs/MBs/MBPs. Also, I discovered that when you import to iPhoto, you can tell iPhoto not to copy the files into the iPhoto library--so basically this means you're just telling iPhoto where your photos are (and remember where they are) and make thumbnails. This would essentially be the same as ACDSee going through a photo folder for the first time and making thumbnails.
If you are looking for an alternative, you can also try Adobe Bridge if you have PS CS2. It has thumbnail and filmstrip view like ACDC has and is quite fast.
The worst thing about Windows is that there isn't any GraphicConverter for Windows! GraphicConverter rules on the Mac! $30 Shareware, worth every cent. On Windows, irfanView is so much better than ACDSee. And it's freeware! The whole point of shifting platforms is being able to use the cool tools that are not available on the platform you're coming from, or to use the new platform's versions that have more features than the old platform's versions. As a general rule, Mac versions of PC apps are usually crap, since they are poor siblings and the original versions are crap to begin with. After all, if you're just going to use the Mac versions of PC crapware, what's the point of switching? Once you've gone beyond that, you'll find that there are many tools (particularly for graphics/photo/video work) that are not available on the PC, and that they are just so far ahead of anything on the PC. One of the strengths of the Mac is the ease with which you can use multiple applications to create a specialized workflow, unlike on a PC where each application tries to be everything and does everything badly.
For viewing and organization, I use iView Media Pro and Photo Mechanic. For resizing stuff for the web, I use Downsize. Then for presentations, I use PhotoPresenter. Do a google on these wonderful apps, they are just not shareware though.
ACDSee in windows is superb...i prefer it over infrview or picasa... its even faster on my P4 than on my 2.0gb dual core 2gb ram macbook iphoto6. ok i give this workflow (using preview) a try but from the looks of it, its way more complicated...going thru so many steps and apps. thanks for explaining the steps dude anyway it works but its not as fast as iphoto. hehe. all im saying is that i always though mac would be easier to use. it doesnt seem to be so in this case(from the stand point of a newbie maybe il change my mind eventually...i hope soon! the thing about iphoto is that everytime you scroll thru ur images it re-renders everything which take maybe less than a sec or so to clear up in smaller thumbnail view (although considerably fast but not as fast as not having to rerender again as with acdsee...instant view). even in film strip mode or fullscreen view on iphoto, when you go thru ur images pressing right or left 3x fast the image are re-rendered again so have slow down my phase. with acdsee win version i dont wait...once it does the one time loading of the thumbnails, thats it. bilis. anyways, i guess this is were il have to adjust talaga...
il have to check thisgraphicsconverter out...thanks maccess i find acdsee better in image viewing, thumbnails and selecting faster than irfanview. i find the latter better in slideshow...but not as good as slideshow pro (win) and iphoto(mac) yes i understand what your getting at...im just searching for something better than what im seeing in mac right now (out of the box) something that can also out perform or match my experience with the other platform in this aspect. i dont care if its a mac version of a pc app or a totally mac software. im jsut trying to find out what it is that i can be satisfied with using... yes im seeing some of that already well you have a point in a way. eg. acdsee does try to be everything in windows... but what it does great (thumbnail and image viewing) is what i need/use it for. hope you also get my point
my bridge doesnt seem to want to work. since day one, it fails to start kasi. although i didnt like the bridge in the pc version. ill try fixing/reinstalling the bridge and give it a shot. thanks for the suggestion dixtreme
I second iView Media Pro. Lemme tell it is FAST! I dropped 2GB worth of photos on the icon in the dock and it "thumbnailed" them and I could cataloged them in a few seconds!
Im not sure if it will work on an intel mac, but cocoview X is OK on my iBook 1.33. http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/16598
daniel, tried the shareware version 3.1.1 of iview and its the closest so far and im happy na with it. the only thing i wish it could do better is in the media view rendering of the image semi full screen isnt as clean as id expect. (maybe its my screen resolution) however the thumbnails works wonderfuly though so im happy with that ill keep using it maybe theres an ajustment to the rendring
You'll have to elaborate on this dude. Do the photos not seem as sharp as you would like? Perhaps there is some sort of anti-aliasing going on (sorta like what preview does)?
you might be interested in this http://www.freefunfiles.com/software/graphics/mediamanagement/acdsee-for-mac.html