Firefox Network Preference Confusion

Discussion in 'OS X and OS X Apps' started by kili-kili power, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. kili-kili power

    Jun 21, 2007
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    i just decided to switch to firefox from safari. have discoverd that it is a bit faster and the add ons are great, specifically the save sessions which i badly need coz at times my mbp dies in its sleep when i still have a bunch of windows and tabs i need....

    anyhoo, my problem is this. when i was using safari, i never had a problem shifting from surfing at home and with wifi at work. at home i just set the location to automatic, but at work, i've saved a location that has proxy settings... it used to be as easy as 2 cliks to change the location and it shifts and safari is ready to go...

    but with firefox, it doesnt seem to recognize my change in location setting and i still have to open firefox preferences and then set proxy to manual... is this coz safari is kinda built in to the os and recognizes location changes and firefox does not? is there a quicker way around this? like an add on maybe?

    help folks... haslle dagdag pa pindot pindot
  2. Primo

    Primo Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    I only use Safari for testing :) . Yes there is an extension specifically for Mac OS X get it here. Your mileage may vary, I haven't used this in a while... Cheers.
  3. kili-kili power

    Jun 21, 2007
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    wow! thanks primo! works like a charm!

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